Policies Adelco
Quality Policy
ADELCO is a benchmark for quality in the supply of equipment and services for the generation, transmission, treatment, control and distribution of electric energy.
The attitudes of all employees regarding quality must aim to win future business, through recognition of the quality of our products and services.
ADELCO products must be suitable for use, performance and reliability to exceed our customers' expectations.
The commitment of everyone, through meeting requirements, continuously improving the effectiveness of the quality management system and productivity, is determinant for us to continue operating competitively and successfully.

ADELCO is a benchmark for quality in the supply of equipment and services for the generation, transmission, treatment, control and distribution of electric energy.
Alain Pierre Simon Vermot

Security Policy
"ADELCO SISTEMAS DE ENERGIA LTDA promotes the continuous improvement of Health, Safety and Environment management, aiming to maintain the physical integrity and well-being of its employees, thus guaranteeing a constant improvement in its work procedures".
To achieve the objectives proposed for the Security Policy, ADELCO SISTEMAS DE ENERGIA LTDA adopts the following actions:
- Identify, eliminate and control any and all potential risks in our work environments;
- Provide all necessary and adequate P.P.E.’s (Personal Protection Equipment) for the safe execution of work activities;
- To seek the awareness of our employees through training and continuous guidance so that they can carry out their activities safely.
- Certify through face-to-face inspections that all procedures and Workplace Safety Standards are being complied with;
- Support IAPC's (Internal Commission of Accident Prevention) actions with regard to the identification and suggestion of eliminating the risks of accidents in the work environment;
- Program and carry out Internal Work Accident Prevention Campaigns in conjunction with IAPC (Internal Commission of Accident Prevention);
The company's Board of Directors supports all the actions mentioned above and asks its employees to commit and strive themselves to fulfill their obligations with regard to Workplace Safety.

ADELCO SISTEMAS DE ENERGIA LTDA promotes the continuous improvement of Health, Safety and Environment management...
Alain Pierre Simon Vermot

Policy for the Treatment of Complaints
The ADELCOwith the objective of continuously improving the service to our clients and partners, has as its commitment:
To value and deal effectively with complaints made by our customers and partners.
Comply with the legislation, technical regulations, agreements, and in particular the Consumer Defense Code (Law No. 8.078, OF SEPTEMBER 11, 1990).
Ensure that the results of complaints received are critically analyzed and addressed.
Respond to the regulatory agencies, including INMETRO, about any complaint sent by them, always respecting the established deadlines and criteria.
To ensure compliance with this commitment, ADELCO has defined responsibilities regarding the Handling of Customer Complaints in its internal Procedures.

The ADELCO is committed to valuing and effectively handling complaints made by our customers and partners.
Alain Pierre Simon Vermot